UZH International Summer School - Healthy Longevity
From Text to Treatment: Leveraging NLP Methods in Clinical-Psychological Research
Kolloquiumsvortrag: Dr. Ania Mikos
Neue Vorlesungsreihe - "Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Psychologists: Exploring New Career Paths"
Innovathon: The Digitalization of Mobility
23. Zürcher Gerontologietag
4. UZH Healthy Longevity Innovation Days
Vortrag von Prof. Dr. George Bonanno - "Trauma and the resilience paradox: The key role of regulatory flexibility"
Future Health Basel 2024
Trendtage Gesundheit Luzern 2024
1. Nationaler Alterskongress von Pro Senectute
Vortrag von Visiting Fellow Dr. Kana Eguchi: "User-Centered Approach for Sustainable Data-Driven Ecosystems Supporting Healthy Longevity"
Talk im Turm: "Fit älter werden und digitale Zwillinge"
Neue UZH-Vorlesungsreihe: "Das Neue. Entstehen, Wirken und Sinn des Neuen in der Welt"
22. Zürcher Gerontologietag
4. Internationaler Kongress der "World Association for Stress Related and Anxiety Disorders"
Scientifica 2023
MULTICAST Kick-Off 2023
Vortrag von Visiting Fellow Prof. Dr. Nancy Pachana: "Capturing the Whole Picture: Unlocking the Potentials in Later Life"
3. UZH Healthy Longevity Innovation Days
Datenschutz und Forschung - Lösungsansätze
Aging and Cognition Conference 2023
Launch Event des UZH Healthy Longevity Center
Jahrestagung der Schweizer Hundertjährigen-Studie (SWISS100)
Die vielen Facetten des Alterns
2. UZH Healthy Longevity Innovation Days