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UZH Healthy Longevity Center (HLC)

2nd Healthy Longevity Innovation Days

healthy longevity

The UZH Healthy Longevity Innovation Cluster and the UZH Innovation Hub are excited to invite you to attend the 2nd UZH Healthy Longevity Innovation Days that will focus on Global Perspectives on Healthy Longevity Innovation!


Day 1: Learning from Each Other - Thursday, June 30, 2022

The aim of Day 1 is to provide an overview of global perspectives on healthy longevity innovation with a particular focus on what works and what is needed in different contexts. To this end, a number of international experts and members of the WHO Collaborating Center Plus Network for Healthy Ageing, coordinated by the University of Zurich, will provide perspectives and concrete examples on healthy longevity innovation from various regions of the world: Oceania, Asia, Africa, Europe, and The Americas.

Day 1 Program

All times in CET

Session 1

Global Perspectives on Healthy Longevity Innovation:

Learning from Each Other


Welcome and Overview

Prof. Dr. Mike Martin
Director, URPP Dynamics of Healthy Aging and Gerontology Center, and Cluster Head, Healthy Longevity Innovation, UZH


The UZH Perspective

Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Stark
Vice President Research, UZH


The WHO Perspective

Dr. Ritu Sadana
Unit Head, Ageing and Health, World Health Organization (WHO)

10:50 Break


Perspectives from Oceania

Prof. Dr. Nancy Pachana
Co-Director, Ageing Mind Initiative, University of Queensland, Australia


Perspectives from Asia

Prof. Dr. Terry Lum
Henry G. Leong Professor in Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Dr. med. Sridhar Vaitheeswaran
Assistant Director & Consultant Psychiatrist, Dementia Care in SCARF – DEMCARES, Schizophrenia Research Foundation (SCARF) India, Chennai, India


End of Session 1

Session 2

Global Perspectives on Healthy Longevity Innovation:

Learning from Each Other


Perspectives from Africa

Dr. med. Leon Geffen
Executive Director, Samson Institute For Ageing Research, South Africa

Prof. Dr. med. Andre-Pascal Kengne
Director, South African Medical Research Council, South Africa


Perspectives from Europe

Dr. Line Silsand
Senior Researcher, Norwegian Centre for E-health Research, Norway

Prof. Dr. Monique Verschuren
Head of Department, Life Course and Health, Centre for Nutrition, Prevention and Health Services, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, and Professor of Healthy Vascular Ageing, Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands


Perspectives from The Americas

Prof. Dr. Parminder Raina
Scientific Director, McMaster Institute for Research on Aging (MIRA), and Canada Research Chair in Geroscience, McMaster University, Canada

Prof. Dr. med. Luis Miguel F. Gutierrez Robledo
Head, WHO-PAHO Collaborating in Integrated Care for Healthy Aging, and Director General, National Institute of Geriatrics, National Institute of Health, Mexico City, Mexico




Panel Discussion: Global Perspectives on Healthy Longevity Innovation

Dr. med. Leon Geffen

Prof. Dr. med. Andre Pascal Kengne

Dr. Line Silsand

Prof. Dr. Monique Verschuren

Prof. Dr. Parminder Raina

Prof. Dr. med. Luis Miguel F. Gutierrez Robledo

Prof. Dr. Mike Martin (moderator)


Closing Remarks

Prof. Dr. Mike Martin


End of Session 2 and Day 1



Day 2: From Research to Innovation - Friday, July 1, 2022

The goal of Day 2 is to offer a series of presentations from international experts on how the transition from healthy longevity research to innovation can be promoted, supported, and funded by academia, non-profit organizations, and the private sector alike.

Day 2 Program

All times in CET 

Global Perspectives on Healthy Longevity Innovation:

From Research to Innovation



Welcome and Overview

Prof. Dr. Mike Martin
Director, URPP Dynamics of Healthy Aging and Gerontology Center, and Cluster Head, Healthy Longevity Innovation, UZH


Innovation, Digitalization, and Healthy Longevity at UZH

Prof. Dr. Harald C. Gall
Dean, Faculty of Business, Economics, and Informatics, and Cluster Head, Digital Innovation, UZH


  Promoting and Supporting Healthy Longevity Innovation in Academia  



Prof. Dr. Tim Kastelle
Director, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, University of Queensland, Australia




Dr. Mihoko Otake
Team Leader, Cognitive Behavioral Assistive Technology Team, Center for Advanced Intelligence Project, RIKEN, and Founding Director, Fonobono Research Institute, Japan



Prof. Dr. Richard Siow
Director, Ageing Research, King’s College London, United Kingdom





  Investing in Healthy Longevity Innovation  


Dr. Kirstin Kopp
Associate Director, Velux Stiftung



Patrick Hofer
Ambassador Zurich, Aging2.0 (network committed to accelerating innovation in the domain of aging), and We+Care



Dr. med. Philipp Gut
Head of Data Sciences and Precision Nutrition @ Nestlé Research


Dr. Stefan Launer
VP Audiology and Health Innovation, Sonova AG


Panel Discussion: From Research to Innovation for Healthy Longevity

Dr. Kirstin Kopp

Patrick Hofer

Dr. med. Philipp Gut

Dr. Stefan Launer
Prof. Dr. Mike Martin (moderator)



Closing Remarks

Prof. Dr. Mike Martin



End of Day 2