News list
What to do if you are under too much stress?
Longevity and financial provision
UZH Innovation Grants
Healthy ageing: Why a good transition to retirement matters
Vontobel Award for Research on Age(ing) 2025
The need for a culture of aging well
Why is the end of the year so stressful and how do we get through this time in one piece?
New Fellow for Research and Innovation
Healthy aging: Images of aging
More and more people are suffering from loneliness
Biohacking: The key to a healthy life or a dangerous trend?
e-Training in Gerontology and Geriatrics
Do you want to live forever?
A Panorama of Swiss Society 2024
Ageing well - How does that work?
Longevity - What keeps us healthy for a long time?
HLC Innovation Atelier
The Business of Long Life
Longevity - How do we grow old healthily?
New HLC Advisory Board
How do we age with dignity?
Lifelong Learning Erasmus+ 60 Project
Those Who Think Positively About Old Age Live Longer
Visiting Doctoral Student from University of Bonn
Addressing Ageism
Biologically, the Limit of What is Possible is Reached at Around 120 years
UZH Entrepreneur Fellowships - Sustainable Society
UZH Innovation Grants
Swiss Education Report 65+ 2023
Vontobel Award for Research on Age(ing) 2024
Swiss Charter for Continuing Education 65+
Seeing the World Anew
The Dream of Eternal Life
Physical and Social Activities Promote Healthy Brain Aging
BRIDGE Proof of Concept Fellow
New Fellow from Clinic Barmelweid
Adding Years to Life and Life to Years
New UZH Innovation Podcast - Live longer: But how?
Warren Buffet Isn’t Past It
Mr. Deetlefs Sings in Cavalleria Rusticana
Quality of Life Is Also Possible With Dementia
UZH Magazin Issue on Healthy Aging
Guest from RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project
Keeping Fit Into Old Age
Visiting Fellow from Kyoto University
Dr. Marcus Grüschow Received the UZH Postdoc Team Award
How Old Am I Really?
MGME Neurotech at the Life Science Zurich Impact Conference "Data for Health"
The FragMent Project - A Study on Stress in Your Daily Life
Visiting Fellow from the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Successful Launch Event of the UZH Healthy Longevity Center
Stay Mentally Fit With Mind Training
Vontobel Award for Research on Age(ing) 2023
Revolutionizing Education60+: Digital Lifelong Learning
Visiting Fellows from the University of Queensland
Take It Easier
UZH Joins Age-Friendly University Network
Healthy Longevity Around the World
New UZH Healthy Longevity Center