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UZH Healthy Longevity Center (HLC)

UZH Innovation Grants

For Doctoral candidates, Postdocs and established researchers

This program provides a guided market validation process and CHF 10’000 in funding. Learn together with peers and business coaches to effectively explore how an innovation can solve real problems of potential customers, develop hypotheses around a value proposition and test these in interviews with experts and customers.

Output A quantified value proposition. This provides the basis for attracting partners, investors or innovation funding for the implementation of the research-based idea.
Input Candidates for this program bring a research-based innovation in any field and a strong motivation to translate the innovation into new products, services or processes.
Funding Receive CHF 10’000 to support the market validation process.
Dates Program is run twice a year starting in November and April. The next workshops will take place in person at the University of Zurich on April 14th 9-12, May 5th 9-12 and June 2nd 13.30-16.30.

Application possible twice a year. Deadlines: 1 March 2025 (upcoming 15 September 2025)

Information on preparing the application

Submit your application on the grants platform

Download blank application form (for reference only). (PDF, 336 KB)


Advice from the coaches

Innovator mornings event

